
Showing posts from May, 2020
Progress of Application Frameworks Group project 12th week In this week I started to create the email part of my frontend. First, I installed  node mailer  for send the email to store manager's gmail after admin create their accounts. Next I completed frontend pages in my part. Next I completed frontend part in my project. Finally I pushed my project in to the GitHub repository. 
Progress of Application Frameworks Group project 11th week In this week I started to create the frontend of my part. First, I installed bootstrap and sweetalerts to develop frontend of my part and to display alerts. Next I installed axios to connect backend endpoints in my frontend. Finally I started to create email in my part. 
Progress of Application Frameworks Group project 10th week In this week I started to create the backend of store manager sign in part and admin sign in  part. First, I implemented sign in function to the store manager and the admin. I used store manager's email and user password to verifying the sign in. And I used admin name and his password to verifying his login. Next I started to implement the create categories part. Finally I completed the my backend part and completed all validations of backend.
Progress of Application Frameworks Group project 9th week In this week I started to create the backend of my part. In my part First, I implemented Add, Update, Delete operations of the store manager details. I'm install express , cors and Mongoose libraries to develop the backend of my part. Finally I completed all validation in these parts.